
{too much religion}

i work at a great school.  we do so much and follow best practices and best procedures, so it brings up the question of 'why aren't we accredited?'  because we certainly could be!  this year we have been undergoing all sorts of meetings and paperwork to get the official seal of accreditation.

one of our steps is to survey our students, families, and church goers about our school... which is where this story comes from:

the first/second grade teacher was giving her students the survey... "color the smiley face if you agree, and the unhappy face if you disagree."  she read each statement (30 or so questions)  and her students shaded in the faces.  at the end of the questioner there was a comment section where the teacher instructed, "if you think there is anything important that we missed that would help our school please write it in the comment section..."  

to her surprise, one little lady didn't hesitate to express her feelings.  in big letters she wrote:  "too much religion."  

hunny, did you forget that you go to a catholic school?


{a world without women}

one of the blessings of a catholic education is that the kiddos get to learn many of the wonderful prayers the catholic church teaches.  when your a kid, sometimes words in prayers just don't click...or they are too big to pronounce and you don't understand them... sometimes they just get jumbled... (and sometimes this happens to adults too-- i'm guilty!)

the kindergartners were practicing the "glory be"...glory be to the father, to the son, and to the holy spirit.  as it was in the beginning is now and ever should be, world without end, amen. 

  however, one little lady squirt changed the ending... as it was in the beginning is now and ever should be, WORLD WITHOUT WOMEN, amen. 

opps.  can you imagine, a world without women!? lady squirt, i think we better pray for something else :) 


{i have a dream that my teacher...}

to celebrate martin luther king, jr. day my kiddos wrote their own little dream speeches.  together we brainstormed some ideas... "...pizza for lunch everyday.", "...that everyone would be included in games on the playground."... some of them were more sincere then others, but this one stopped me in my tracks.

as i was circling around my room visiting with each student about their dreams one student slyly covered up his paper.  of course, i'm not letting that slide.  so what did this little guy dream up?  "i have a dream that my teacher would be on america's next top model." SAY, WHAT!?  YEAH.  THAT'S RIGHT.

 i responded with a "oh, my." and told the little fella that he should come up with some of his own dreams to accomplish-- because that was not one of mine.   i wrote a silly comment on his paper and kept walking.  (oufta.  that was awkward.) 

later that week i ran into some of his relatives (mom and grandpa-- both on separate occasions)  mom said she thought her little guy was a woot and agreed with him 100%.  grandpa (who i never met)  stopped in the classroom one afternoon and said, "so, this is the ms. america my grandson has been talking about.  i had to come and see for myself.  i understand now!"  of course, what can you say but thank you... but c'mon.  REALLY, GRANDPA. 

anywhoo, guess i'm in the wrong field.  where can I trade in my teacher books for stilettos?