
{when you're happy and you know it, clap your hands}

what do you do when fifteen children simultaneously burst out in song?  now, this is something i should be used to... i mean, i've worked at a summer camp for four years and i am known to hum a little "great big moose", "boy and a girl in a little canoe" or "your mama don't where no socks" from time to time.  but this was nothing like i've ever experienced!  strange, bizarre, beautiful, and fabulousness all at the same time :) 

as i was giving my children the run down of the day's schedule, i was explaining this prayer card i was going to pass out that had different bible verses to look up when you are ..."sad or if you are happy..." that's when the kids jumped in...  "AND YOU KNOW IT CLAP YOUR HANDS!"  they continued with this rendition for several, what seemed like minutes!  while i, stunned and complexed waved my arms to try to quiet them down but was so struck with the joyfulness that i couldn't help but smile, laugh... and well... clap!  yes, i'd have to say that i'm happy and i know it. 

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